Thursday, 26 August 2010

local coverage of the issue

Letter to Hillingdon local press from someone else. I agree with but it fails to note the Score Group, Trojan and Escort porn photography produced locally. If boys and men see their female peers (esp the Score Group) posing for these sought of things then surely they were provoked by societal circumstance if such publications aren’t stopped especially their website divisions. Otherwise the dangers of people trafficking may be offset by locally developed prostitution and web cam porn as advertised through the local press and Loot Magazine, despite the best efforts of the Police on both matters to fund things such as going to uni or to pay off family debts if people aren’t referred to the citizens advice bureau or consumer debtline.

Protect youngsters from Internet Filth

Where did these young boys learn about rape? (11 year olds sentenced for attempted rape,

No one else seems to have asked this question, I suspect the prevalence of free, hardcore porn on the internet may well have been how they learnt about this, and why it is a fun thing to do.

If this is the case, we should not be blaming the boys, we should be blaming society for this sort of material being available to young children and we should be asking ourselves if as ‘responsible adults’ we really shouldn’t be doing something to protect them from it.

If you have an internet connection in your home, it is really very difficult to keep this damaging porn out. Kids are so computer literate that they often know more than their parents. And many parents do nothing at all because they don’t know how.

There are no UK ISP’s, to my knowledge, that currently offer a broadband connection where porn is filtered out at their end, therefore providing a safe internet connection for families.

Parental content filtering software that some parents rely on is actually very easy to circumvent.

There has been much talk of the ‘criminal age of responsibility’ and whether these boys are aware of the difference between right and wrong in relation to the crime of which they have been convicted.

Adult males are eventually convinced, if they watch enough of it on internet porn sites, that rape and violence towards women is ok.

So if this material can influence adults, what is it going to do to children?

I think it is vital to determine, if these boys did view internet porn and if this is where they learned about rape.

They need appropriate counselling to re-educate them about what they sae and help them to understand that it was wrong. If this issue is not tackled then there is little hope for the boys concerned and even less for all the young girls out there who could be future rape victims.

Name and address supplied

Thursday, 22 July 2010

So how should porn be tackled in the UK and why they pose.

Some individuals pose because they need to pay for private healthcare e.g. those females who fear they are too small and short to give birth safely, hence a referral for depression, counselling and some antidepressants that stimulate growth in height and girth, posing for the ‘SCORE’ group whose offices are based in the United States but may be supported by other states. A solution to that is referral for sponsorship by one of the City of London’s Livery companies or one of the church of England’s healthcare charities rather than this course of action. Other denominations and some of the other faiths have similar charities for their members.

Hence if you think it is someone under 18 you know do not approach them or their families directly, contact Childline or the NSPCC and the police and boroughs children services at the Civic Centre in Uxbridge and report them. Hand any evidence over to the UK police as they protect the rights of all citizens impartially and are the appropriate people to investigate. IF they know more about who produces it and why and how it fits in with this state or other states then that is their concern, not yours as a UK national. Failure to abide to this makes you a potential social services case upon their (the police’s) referral.

If the police or your GP suggest you need counselling take them up on it as its their way of giving you and them a way of explaining yourself without being detained as a danger to others (plus if your on benefits and medication it makes them look good rather than doing nothing and this approach is the Hillingdon form of containment). Get support from victim support for yourself as well and counselling for you and anyone you are close too. Doing the right thing shouldn’t mean you lose your own family or are viewed with suspicion.

If on the other hand the models are over 18 (such as in the locally produced Trojan group of publications aka Fiona Cooper publications), you can express your concerns at the NHS walk in clinic in Uxbridge Chimes shopping centre (Boots pharmacy) or one of the three NHS social services area clinics. They can then investigate and see if the people concerned are in need of any medical help and can work in conjunction with the police, other social services and where appropriate the womens centre, domestic violence and emergency housing.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Something that definitely needs explaining because its potentially dangerous to the health of the next generation for it not to be explained and its theological implications to the changing relationship between men and women in the church.

At 30 I’ve learned a lot by experience and observation as well as academic study. Most of it has been rejection by the opposite sex from sending a valentines card at the age of 10 while at primary school (it was a picture of a cat I drew myself as I had pet cats at the time, in ignorance of the Fiona Cooper publication series ‘always look for the pussy’ produced locally before then, the irony of that is rather sardonically amusing now any how I digress). Hence with the item on a UK radio station on Friday night when a woman in distress asked for advice on cosmetic surgery to their external genitals (biological term labia majora) as their former partner found their protrusion ugly. This condition when occurring on the skin of the foreskin on men is known of as Philimosis and circumcision is sometimes proscribed.

Firstly lady the mans a ‘jimmy pitt’ (Shit) for dumping her just for that as relationships are based on more than sex as there is the building of relationships with children and families as protected by law and the human rights act, especially in spite of the tendancy to replace that with progressivism and any kind of relationship is now ok.

However the history of London with its fumes, smog, narcotics and alcohol abuse, poor hygiene, and sanitation and diverse physical intimate contact in previous centuries makes the UK medical profession qualified to deal with this by experience as its past failures to deal with it and the toleration of unqualified surgery and back street abortions created evil and early death, hence the recent investment since 1945 into genito-urinary medical advice and counselling and the 1967 abortion act.

Hence many jobs in the urban centres of the UK have had private health care and insurance to deal with this where fumes from things such as aviation or power stations were the given or current explanations for this and charities such as Marie Stopes and Christian charities offer such operations as well as the former abortions.

If counselling and acceptance of the whole you doesn’t work in persuading you against this then the NHS offers this treatment so you don’t have to do anything extreme or immoral to pay the fees for the surgery (such as Adult Movies advertised in Loot magazine which sometimes is used to cover piercing and tattoo reduction and other cosmetic surgery which requires further counselling for after effects and surprising results, a lesser method is modelling for websites such as be naughty which turns the photos into an online source of income for text conversations with potential dates). At the end of the day who you are, how you look and appear is your choice not someone elses and you need to discuss it carefully and not make rash decisions. Some men may like you the way you are so consult your GP and ask for counselling and if necessary tests to see if the growth is dead and in need of reduction. Remember the words of David Blunkett however that this country is where we learn English and don’t practice female circumcision as you will find someone who will love you.

The reason I suggest someone in that position checks with your doctor for such tests is an explanation on how the human physiology alters and what effects are had. The following is unqualified and needs medical checking as its based on secondary school biology as well as the theology that men and women are meant to have intimate relationships with one person of the opposite sex as laid down in many faiths sacred texts upon which they judge and generally are judged unless they show grace at new life and creation and healing.

Medicine seeks to alleviate when this doesn’t occur as does the civil law of the state and the human rights act for separation and divorce unless the established church engages in provision for relationship counselling. However the states Genito Urinary Medicine provision operates on the philosophy and theology of interdisciplinary and denominational chaplaincy that priority is given to tests and support when you have a new partner and not if a person is promiscuous or sees prostitutes as though these are not crimes (though the contacting of them using telephone technology can be considered a crime and anyhow so visiting them can reduce your reputation under common law unless you are honest about it so you can’t be blackmailed). Another category is male rape victims as they aren’t helped as much as female victims as their occurance has been considered less significant and the philosophy of medicine is for healing and creation of new life and anything else is a waste of resources. If that ladies ex complains about her labia he’s probably seen someone elses or ironically watched porn of women who’ve had that surgery already after counselling and posed to pay for it because they weren’t advised about NHS provision. Hence to make the decision based on just one mans opinion without support is wrong and their may be medical reasons.

Factors to consider:

Did he give you an STD or an infection that causes growth in that area of your body?
Did either he or you having a pet cause you to carry an animal infection that produces an allergic reaction (SIV, or cat immuno deficiency can sometimes cause philimosis or tight foreskin is a questionable old wives tale of outer London, does he work with chemicals or in agriculture?)
Is the medication that you have been prescribed or are taking having an effect on what psychologists would call ‘psycho-sexual function’ (why the US Bible belt called seroxat the slut drug in the last decade)
Are there any effects from sport or community activity that you engage in i.e. groin injury from sports.
Sometimes there are side effects from religious ceremonies. A fellow patient in a psychiatric hospital once said to me (which I dismissed at the time as poppycock) that the theology of mainstream churches still is to experience a life changing revelation experience and that gold plated chalices and the chemicals used to clean church linen used at the Eucharist caused transmutation of the contents of peoples guts (a side effect of some high strength medication amplifying this effect from adults in the congregation).

The tea or coffee in the hall afterwards is sometimes erroneously used to settle the guts and is a Narcotics Anonymous excuse for remedial treatment by altered tablets composition, as documented in prosecutions in the 1999 – time period in West London. The church in the diocese of London is now seeking to allow children from the age of 7 to take communion of both kinds and that in some cases this will be the preferable option of a separate chalice and non alcoholic drink before confirmation to obey the law so as to stop swine flu or reduce getting disease from adults in the congregation. If they feel unwell it is probably better for the church to override the lack of support or the counselling culture and peer mentoring of the state sector schools to give them access to the medical care of the established church. It is also a counter of the Primark sexualisation of young people with maternity bras for seven year olds. It is also a better preparation for secondary school that was the understated reason for that particular media onslaught against Roman Catholic first communion.

Simply put if the chalices cause gold dust to go to the head combined with an allergic reaction to wax and incense fumes and alcohol relative to body mass index then something is wrong. This also applies to other churches and its why if I ever celebrated mass / Eucharist upon reflection I’d insist on silver chalices. It is necessary as other faiths have other potential for concern and allows for help to alleviate that to aid honest conversion to Anglican Christianity which lets face it is what the UK is meant to be for. The Roman Catholic counter argument, advocated by some high church Anglicans as well is that it is better to advise and educate the nurturing role of women from an early age to prevent the over-sexualisation imagery of modern secular European society to aid monogamous families developing and sustained families adequately housed in the state sector if the laws of credit created additional funding for the relevant churches and faiths off their members credit cards followed by bankruptcy when housing was not provided or built owing to other macroeconomic priorities and a desire to sort out the older housing stock of the urban centres.

Further this could aid the churches to clear up its own allegations of abuse in a supportive way so that it is never hushed up as occurred in Ireland. This prepares them (provided there male contemporaries are better prepared) for any transmutative effects of biological fluids being passed in a teleportingly kind of way and for reconciliation between Britain in Ireland under the Commonwealth and King William V at the end of this reign or with the papal state visit this year and stamps out abuse.

Writing this is probably considered heresy and treason but the point for that poor lady and a lot of people who listen to that programme who are desperate for help to find or sustain their love I think its worth it. Plus help should always be available regardless of postcode or parish boundary.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

It appears that other groups and firms operate from hillingdon as well.

The question to ask is how and why they are allowed to get away with it.

To do so one has to look at the constitutional framework of the country. It is a constitutional democracy that while christian with an established church allows people to conduct their lawful liverlihoods, even if they go against the teaching sof said church as law ecclesiastic is seperated in part from common law and statute, the last two regulated by the courts and parliament of the UK. All can be countermanded by the EU insitituions with a parliament that includes porn stars. In short teh system is stacked against you if you want to stop it.

Plus somewhere in the world has to have cops and soldiers who regulate the 'industry' globally.

I just pity any poor male who grows up round here in ignorance and then sees how it develops in later life.

Plus this realist perspective doesn't cover the need for many to help the fallen women, perhaps with a birthday of teh 31st of May myself (Assumption of teh Blessed virgin mary) my attitude runs contrary to this area as I think the best help isn't hustling modelling or dating sites but building sustained families and communities.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

For anonymous reporting of crimes and getting support if you are the victim of crime.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Airport cartels case shows that technology exists thats criminal

At Southwark Crown Court today a case against British Airways individuals for price fixing with Virgin Atlantic collapsed because the state concerned (The UK Crown) couldn't or didn't submit all of its evidence to the defendants.

Does this suggest that the evidence was based onintercept evidence of 'group-phone calls' that were intercepted not being used in court as it was ruled inadmissable and if so, what does that say about the state of the UK telecommunications industry? Is it already open to interception by non state agencies that are unlicensed sucha s foreign journalists or is it the case that teh state can act or tries to act above the law?

Saturday, 1 May 2010

do some firms aid or hinder your own employment?

Taking the Telelbilling example I you can see that each firm or number that is called charges slightly more for less talk time and the callers voice alters. This could be either infiltration by organsied crime or regulation of far more unsulubrious methods of collection that existed in prior to that. This again shows impact into the democratic process and under statutory regulation so the question it poses is therefore are there procedurse in place for the regulation of the semi criminal end of prostitution.

How this impacts on the Common Law and European right to emplyment and not getting hearsay evidence against you leading to dismissal is of note.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

why I'm not good enough and how come I have written this blog

This is probably my last post on this subject directly and I'll get sued for it if I'm not careful.

I have signed a binding over order for leaving a valentines day card at the church where I was baptised. I had sent them a christmas card asking to be my Mary and trying to stop their name being bandied about on Capital FM. I did this because it is my recollection that they were a model for the score group of publications and when I found out I challenged their parents. I was trying to stop the usual production line that occurs in this borough as I have learnt since then from a leaking of information. If the score group really uses under 16 models from this area and I lived in ignorance and failed to stop it then in my minds eye I am not fit to be a youth worker or Anglican Synod in this borough and I have no intention in following others example and become photographers of them within the church membership for said publications.

If you read this please use the housing guidelines outlined on this post to see that they get housed as they grow up rather than what usually happens when they become 'fresher fodder' by a system that will not help them properly by encouraging unrealistic expectations or worse playing on their grades to categorise them. Sustained employment and meaningful relationships with people their own age through proper education channels such as FE and Birkbeck centre in Uxbridge and concurrent part time employment is a better option provided it is not used for spies as has occurred with bogus colleges that has hampered the war effort in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is a non racist point as there are reputable colleges and faiths in the UK thanks to the tolerance of the Church of England, though it lacks a church primary in every parish.

The last comment is based on how I on disability benefits was able to study at two HE institutions at once.

I am truly sorry for being a rubbish man and being ignored when I tried to raise the issue and will have to start over and work towards chaplaincy to clean up the mess that growing up in ignorance of its continuation created while at school and doing voluntary youth work has done.

Mea Culpa.

Monday, 12 April 2010

where now for donations?

Should a man leave £400,000 to the Girl Guides after attacking girls aged 5-9 instead of leaving some to his daughter who was one of his victims?

This was discussed in tonights Radio 4 pm programme with one commentator from Barnados saying yes if he was penitent and another saying no it should be used to fund treatment of offenders programme.

This issue is live in Hillingdon because of teh Score group of publications (see earlier posts). Is donations for modelling from an illegal age constitute the same thing? Because of the Trojan (Fiona Cooper) group of publications that have modelling for adults (aside from one title), is ist the case of one generation covering up for the next?

Saturday, 3 April 2010

How to bring down Barclays Bank in the UK

Tell the counter staff that the firm Telebilling (adult text activities) banks with them via ABC chaps payments. Did some 'journalistic research' and paid it from my income support. Similar service is advertised is advertised in the local press in London so is regulated by the UK media. If the police can't condone it, which arm of the state allows it and why?

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Additionally there is this option for those moving from other areas

Having Enough money for a part rent part buy deposit, noting the temporary freeze on stamp duty for such properties in this years budget.

This is what you do instead of doing modelling.

If as is my belief this sort of thing goes on in Hillingdon borough, this is the alternative approach to life, the universe and everything that gets you housed and in employment. I Hope anyone who reads this uses it as its the best Easter present I can give anyone.

Contacts for getting back into employment and getting housed in the Hillingdon area

Housing reception is below the Civic Centre in Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.

Criteria for social housing that gets you higher on the list if you are UK nationals are:

Disability (as defined by the disability discrimination act)
Links to the area (attending local schools, FE and ? adult education etc)
Health care (having a local NHS GP)
Having been adopted for a resident for a while or wanting to move in with them as a household (larger houses can be got that way and being each others mutual carer can work)
Having local voluntary work (Usually regulated by Key House in Yiewsley or having a group such as Climate activity here)
Maternity for the over 18’s without social services intervention
Maternity for the under 18’s with social services intervention and counselling.
Low financial status / credit rating should you have had a repossession in the recent economic downturn

Housing and Council Tax benefit is allocated for those on low incomes and in particular:

Income Support
Jobseekers Allowance
Education and Maintenance Allowance
Employment and support allowance
Incapacity Benefit

01895 250111 for civic centre or go there to book an appointment.

Aside from the two nearest job centres on the 222 bus route (Heathrow point and Uxbridge) there are two other main areas.

One is Seetec at the far end of Cowley Mill Road in Uxbridge (near the disused St Johns Church and schools).

It is at Unit2, Brook Business Centre, Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge UB8 2FX
01895 520593

There is also Business link for sustainable business ideas.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Why would a 16-18 year old pose in the first place?

As someone who has studied EConomics and Politics my answer is frankly cynical.

Many families in a time of recession or because of variable interest rates find their budgets going down. Some have parents on long term sickness benefits. Some fall in love with 'the one person' for them and want to look good for them at the school prom but can't afford the dress.

As such that and the desire to jointly get on the housing register leads many to find the photographer and do so.

As such they all probably have boyfriends and relationships so its really a case of agent provocateur and getting addtional points for the council house, which given todays economic climate who can blame them?

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

5) Dating sites to avoid based in the West London area

This is slightly off topic for the thread but is related as indecent images are carried on this site.

www.lots of hookups .com which can be sent into peoples junk email box and is a link to filthy datez .com. This can be seen as the nearest to sixth form porn currently around as it is a dating site that allows for the 16+ as well.

Please report these spam messages should you recieve them to the Metropolitan police as the appropriate local authority.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

4) Avoid the Trojan group of publications

These titles also produce images but are more of the over 18s as are better regulated. However it is concentrated in the NW London area so should be reported to teh Metropolitan Police in the procedure outlined above.

If you are offended then by law regardless of age you are given the right ot counsellign and healthcare to ensure that your do not develop tendencies and continue to waste police time as they probably monitor it anyway.

3) The process of giving a statement to the police in London

OK this comment is a guide to surrendering information about porn in the UK to the legally constituted authorities.

The Met Police run a vice squad that regulates these publications out of Charing Cross Police station (near St Martin in the Fields Church). To book an appointment you can go through your local police station or phone the met police non urgent crimes number on 0300 123 1212. If they fob you off got to the Police ombudsman as they are violating your right to due process and a fair trial under the law of the UK.

You need and it is advised to surrender your computer and or mobile phone for checking and clearance to show your internet access record as well so as to allow for a comprehensive enquiry into who made the images and why to give the victims the help that they need.

Some functions of this are or were covered by the City of London Police as well to regulate the financial aspects of the crimes under the terrorism and proceeds of crime act.

There is also the internet watch foundation that has been set up by the current government to regulate internet spam, phishing and racial and religious discrimination and incitement material as well as indecent images of children.

Friday, 19 March 2010

2) Avoid Loot magazine in the Greater London area

As subject headline

This magazine carries adverts for porn stars and this was started by the anti aparteid movement for the justifiable aims of abolishing aparteid and getting activists out of that country (South Africa). While they get paid approx £3-5k a movie if STD clear and aren't distributed in the country where they reside, these movies are a cover for prostitution getting control of basement appratments in inner london and could prove a danger in the run up to teh 2012 Olympic Games as noted by London Mayor Boris Johnson in a recent monthly press conference.

My nomination for the next St Mary from the UK

Mary Whitehouse for warning correctly of the evils of porn and its creation of a broken Britain

1) Avoid the Score Group of publications

This first post is a warning to all adults to take heed of a warning given by Michael Gove MP about this group of magazines. While Nuts and Zoo may seem harmless enough, this group of publications may use this to cross subsidise other titles that are more explicit and potentially using underage models in one title in particular.

As such anything to do with all of them should be avoided by all men to show solidarity with the law of the land.