Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Harrow West explanation

When Parliament raised the statutory age of consent across teh Empire as was to 16 and 18 from 13, some faiths, churches and their humanist and secular offshoots were given exceptions to allow them to claim asylum or seek sanctuary from the more barbaric punishments of shariah law and the way that Islam was then practiced. As such written statements and confessions to UK statutory authorities since then have been dealt with on an interfaith and statutory guidelines so as to aid the teenage women who 'model' the chance to rebuild their lives under care and counselling. The businesses have in the past been protected in law until a guilty verdict in court is achieved. Males their own age aren't usually told about this historically as it can be viewed of as a grievance against the state for letting it happen. Men of an older age who've been there and give written evidence haven't in the past been called to give evidence. As such the answer is for a EU wide age of statutory consent set by teh European Parliament and with it represented to the UN to stop modern day barbarities such as people trafficking and exploitation of statutory minors within the EU but between differring legal jurisdictions. This has to be regulated and implemented by the international police authority. I have given written statements about on I went to in 2005 where 16-18 year olds worked and it is why I resigned teh chair in conscience of the charity I chaired and tried to complete my degree and start supporting myself arther than only being on DLA and being a burden on my family. I had done my best to get it established according to law and as I failed to meet teh requirements of being a director of that charity I resigned according to the law of the established church. At that time I had no knowledge of teh Score group and how it operates. The two reasons I dispise the notion of gay clergy and bishops are 1) Having been buggered unconsensionally while at uni in November 1999 and then being refferred for psychiatry I considered myself damned. 2) Gay clergy are the antithesis of the bible upon which the church is founded. I know christ said live and let live and love thy neighbour but if the church wants to raise the next generation how can it allow things that go on against its teachings? Its why many operate the don't ask, don't tell policy which can lead to problems and attacks and domestic violence and worse which is the greater evil. I've chatted up a few female clergy since 2007 so I'm probably one to talk on this. Hence eventhough I thought Claire Rayner was not a very nice person possibly cause of all the medication she was on and i wanted to be clear of her clinic and the meds that they were giving me as I wanted to support a family of my own. She had a point that counselling and support services are needed. However it should be done according to the law of the UK and UN to prevent exploitataion of refugees from floodings, freezing winters and tsunamis.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Its Mothers Day

The reason I keep blogging on this is simple. As a 30 year old my friends and relations are settling down and having children. We lived in a time when many were able economically to avoid these evils and some were explained to as to how it operated (i was not one). If I can use my life experience to stop worse happenning through this economic recovery then maybe its penance for failing to stop its production when I was a teenager myself and in positions of trust while at university because I didn't know enough and thought it was all 'local phenomena / occurances'. Thats my idea of the Big Society. Its also cause the Islamists have said some really offensive things about western women and if I'm not allowed to serve in HM forces and go over and explain to them why they're wrong and how society operates, then I'm posting this as an invitation to debate with them as frankly some of their practices are worse. I have to stop the next Al Queada. So put that git Bin Laden on trial and get Gadaffi to resign. I think I had better remain single and be no ones Prince Albert having seen that chapel at Windsor Castle.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

The hillingdon explanation to porn by a 30 year old male (me)

The Finlandia explanation by James Andrew Ware on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 10:01am The answer to the AA question is in the slightly scary booklet written (by some psychology pseudo facist) AA for the woman. From that any person can deduce (but because in AA you're sponsor asks questions based on their intuition on what you perceive as your higher power) that large quantities of alcohol mixed with perscribed medication or illegal drugs could complicate their childs birth and growth. Its why psychiatric patients are meant to be told that they claim DLA / AA carers benefits and Income support and incapacity benefit while completing detox and recovery and / or on psychiatric medication so as to be able to try for healthy children later on in life (with help supposedly from their faith community / church). Baby oil on adult human skin can break it down so that it makes the men sicker who get them regardless and especially with what its diluted with. In Berkshire such things in the 1970s and 1980s were run by the military with unlicensed minicabs through UK telephone exchanges to police London and as an evolution from the problems of teh 1960s. It has been alleged in the past that the Duchess of Cornwall and Catherine Middletons family used to run this then. Signals regiments get their practice on the punters of phone sex lines in the ads sections of porn mags and this is run through adult former students of primary and secondary schools and end up as support staff with the neceessary skills, qualities and attributes working at the BBC. Where this is illegal is when the under 18's start posing nude in said magazines ( as has occurred in Hillingdon).This is policed and after care careers in this borough are done through teh Hillingdon grid. The trouble in the past is that foreign countries have trained their cadets through this as well on student visas at false colleges and our unis have covered up for it using privy and Court of St James powers. Who said the UK condemned child soldiers? Thats how full time HE in tehb Major and Blair / Brown eras was funded using DLA as well and its why I think OU and external students from one UK uni, and possibly one for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and England is needed so that their is a non slutting choice. To support said external study I'd rather proper jobs for their husbands and boyfriends in economic development such as transport and construction and sustained UK economic recovery and in that now thirty years on knowing what I know now have the same opinions as my father at my age. The difference is I could forgive a wife doing that or modelling now in their past as I am just a qualified minibus asst. and as someone who has only ever been Summer staff in the UK govt and had my full time applicatations rejected consistently by telephone conversations have never had crown perogative powers. Plus the job of the established church is to raise the next generation honestly as to the way life operates and it is better to tell them then let them make their own mistakes. However for that to occur their needs to be male and female youth provision in all churches regardless of the saints names of that parish and it has to be funded by audited and police checked businesses (if that doesn't create a self perpetuating cycle from one generation to the next for the reasons I have outlined above). I think I've just lost all chance of ever being elected to an Anglican church position for life.