Wednesday, 31 October 2012

‘A Christmas gift to the Community’ Arla plan would include supermarket, cinema, restaurants and homes

REN Gazette October 31st 2012

By Zoe Drewett

One person for development on Express dairies site, one person against, one person then counters that best to get involved with process of planning as then something can be agreed as ‘if we don’t want more traffic, it will continue to stay derelict’

Sainsburys still want to rebuild their store so South Ruislip gets section 106 and perhaps a new community centre centrally located on the Arla site with construction and housing jobs and possibly a state cofe primary school as well if pupil numbers go up in neighbouiring boroughs.


Here are the balanced thoughts as someone who has been on the PCC and Deanery Synod representative for the CofE Parish



The alternatives to a scout hut on the park behind St Marys South Ruislip

When I’m not feeling so self important as a wannabe politician on an anti porn mission and look at the nature of the historic demographics and logistics of South Ruislip, I examine the alternatives to a scout hut for St Marys South Ruislip and thus literal parity with St Laurence Eastcote and St Andrews Roxbourne.


With this in Mind:


If the following is true

1)      The Garden of remembrance where the ashes of dead parishioners are interred or scattered is full and the triangle of land behind st marys is needed for that or bigger events in the vicarage garden.

2)      St Marys can afford through grants from the diocese, sponsorship from the retail park central funds (such as Homebase, Sainsburys etc), an atrium similar to St Joseph the workers Northolt (under the tenure of the now Peter Willesden, the general secretary of Wealdstone) between the chapel of the Holy Family, the nave of the church proper and church hall an atrium and extension backwards of the Hall to cover the usage by scouts instead, without losing its entire reserves form the sale of the second clergy property in the 1970s (when the retired Bishop of Kensington was trainee clergy living there).

3)      To counterbalance and complement football on Queensmead school site and playground court games such as Basketball on Ruislip High and gym based games at Vyners and Haydon, Bishop ramsey and Hockey at BR and Douai, a rugby goal is achieved through Chrysalis funding for the park behind the church so that children can be coached there on a Saturday similar to Bessingby Park football teams. The goal can be of football width so can double up if need be.

4)      The South Ruislip community centre want in conjunction with the Scouts and the Methodist Church Boys brigade a hut on the former derelict nursery site as a second venue or replacement one should ST Marys seek to have a church of England primary or secondary school for the housing in Roxeth and Roxbourne should the housing numbers of the children go up as baby boomers go into retirement homes or the flats by the Piccadilly Line in the parish of St Pauls Roxeth (formerly St Hildas and ST Marys Harrow Hill)

5)      The South Ruislip Evangelical Church have more scouts / Guides / Brigades and cadet youth provision since the closure of the 1st South Ruislip Scout Hut for housing as it was down a narrow road, a hut is built in the field (with possible campsite to replace ones sold off recently) at the end of Great Central Avenue (as its near sports grounds and a farm in use so they could learn skills badges) or one by Bourne Primary on the field between it and Mahlon Avenue, with funding by the state for the latter entirely and the former with reference to Scout Central funds as it involves the creation of a campsite.

6)      The St john are getting the Phoenix day centre to train first aid courses similar to North Harrow, Richmond, Edmonton, Leytonstone and York Road.


Then I’d recommend a public consultation, land transfer of the land behind st marys in the Jubillee year and agreement by the PCC in conjunction with the local council as to its preferred option between second scout hut or atrium and hall extension and the wider implications for a ward based referendum and consultation to ammend the unitary development plan, with reference to the future of RAF Northolt and whether that is needed for housing like the South Ruislip Community centre site as such planning matters are the purview of the GLA and Mayor of London, if the Express Dairies site delivers a like for like replacement as part of its planning for sustainable development that can be used by WEA and other adult ed provision (such as University of the third age and Open University tutorials) not covered by Hillingdon Adult ed which is focused on skills and employability as part of value to the taxpayer.


The atrium option could deliver a DofE award venue as well should someone wish to run it or the youth service doesn’t want to run one in South Ruislip Youth Centre


They would need to be allowed by a church that looks to the Church lads and girls brigade (based on harrow hill and distinct from the more non comformist Boys and girls brigades in the Methodist Churches) should that be desired and not counterproductive given that teen angels and the UP series of magazines has been produced in the vicinity of Queensmead, just like the Score Group in the London Borough of Hillingdon.


I hope that the last paragraph point is taken up by someone as such publications distort the perspectives of men and the contemporaries of those who pose away from relationships.


James Ware BELA, MIDAS Asst, Dip HE, Cert (Open),


Thursday, 18 October 2012

sir jimmy saville

Last night in the UK Sir Jimmy Saville was debated on the radio show the moral maze.

1) He did raise a lot for charity, including barnados however the English law on consent is clear at 16 soince teh nineteenth century when it was raised from 13 owing to illnesses and workhouse poverty in the industrial towns and polluted wells in the capital affecting growth
2) His dream making for a lot of now adults may now be shatterred
3) He abused his position of chaplain volunteer
4) The hospital was designed for children who had rare conditions (such as premature overgrowth and development) based on lessons learned from the 1948 paralympiad
5) The scots law of consent at 14 and marriage at 16 does not negate from this
6) All of which means that if he did what he is alleged to have done (namely abused a English Statutory minor while in a vulnerable position under treatment) He should have been investigated and tried.
7) However the BBC is a corporate institution with a reputation to protect like any other and its internal investigations unit may have been silenced. Staff on final salary pensions who have seen that happen may have felt fearful of their families futures and not reported it to the police.

That is the best explanation that can be offerred without recourse to chaplaincy

also regarding the papal knighthood and allegations of necrophilia, the honour may have been made becasue he was very good at extreme CPR and could revive patients in teh operating theatre (the job of chaplaincy volunteers and nurses in surgery if so trained). Its a way for volunteers to help with others and receive medical care as part of their service to teh community.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

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Thursday, 4 October 2012

RE: allegations against sir jimmy saville I think he probably had a porn addiction that was fed rather than treated and celebrity went to his head. The BBC is just the successoir of many public entertainment varieties back to teh days of shakespeare.

If younger than 13 in the UK he'd be on a life sentance, 13-16 sectioned or convicted if proved, and 16-18 under social services investigation.

Wh...y anyone that age would want to be attracted to someone that older is a matter for the social services to ask them. My own hunch is those that pose might want acceptance. However magazines and videos that are open distribution across the wwweb leave them open to vulnerability in later life themselves, videos the classroom joke of teh 1990s and magazines a amateur photo industry.

SCots law allows marriage at 14, spanish at similar age. so the issue of peado rape is not one that can historically be resolved Euro law wide. Love and sex are what drive humanity on from one generation to the next and if anyone can think of better ways of teaching it, email and your own faith community (equally divided on these matters).